Born begotten. soul-decay, serration along the spine of shadow as it hunches over syringe parasols. Rat's eyes crowning stigmata like a bloodworm, inheriting miracle. umbilical knots  held to vinegar drowning pool. grief rocks in a chest whose hinges don't so much creak as they do casually moan with the naive indifference of cripples throat-deep in quicksand. hexogonal matrix slurping back its clay seeds. greasing the walls so the shadows slip to one knee. masturbating the sonograms of a partial birth abortion. tongue stapled to the roof of mouth. spade lizard skin with their eyes forming inside out. Contempt accessorized. Ribboned mutilation. probing for a cavity to die in. A flower bed of abscesses blossoms where tonsil buds have been sewn. share anorexia. geode bullet wounds drained from the photo of an eye. vivisection fountain head. a stomach in the glass. tampered evidence was the first outsider art. 



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