LONG ISLAND VIDEO 13 NEWS REPORTING: A political rally held outside the entrance to the “walled city” of Mechrotham culminated on a blood curdling note this afternoon, as representatives from the Conservative Republican Independent Nonaligned Grassroots Electorate were greeted by Mechrotham locals with a dire warning about what will become of them should there be further demonstrations in the future. 

As Secret Third Thing party founder VD Chance began addressing the crowd with fiery passages from his latest book Indecency’s Stronghold, pieces of the “teledome” covering Mechrotham casually rotated, the screens now facing the crowd outside the grounds rather than the citizens within the walls. Each screen displayed a fractal from a larger image… a puzzle piecing itself together. When all the parts had fallen into place, the agitated demonstrators were overwhelmed by the sight behind the podium… one that covered the width and height of Mechrotham’s total square foot. The picture was soupy, but clear enough; a figure in a grey coat, shot from the shoulders up, face hidden behind a cranberry grape balaclava… mouth and eyes smeared black with grease. 

What follows from here on is the video that played at the rally. Please be advised, what we’re about to show you maybe disturbing to some viewers. 

“You have heard of, but never seen me. So allow me to introduce myself. 

“My name is SALVOY. 

“I knew you were coming. I allowed it this one time, just so you and anybody else who might find a wild hair up their ass one day will get the message clear. 

“You know this one, right? Her name is Tulsa Gabber or something. Yeah… she got your balls rolling, correct? I can see why… she is quite radiant. Aren’t you? Even all wrapped and stuffed… the charm seeps through. Ugh that little stripe of white hair… really has me sailing. 

“I’m going to stop talking now. But you all keep listening. And if you feel like slipping out before the end of this production, I want you to remember all those “thugs” you’ve been disparaging all afternoon. They heard everything, and they have you surrounded. “They’re aching to prove you right.”

What follows is too gruesome to show here. Some of the screens began displaying different video, all taken from random points in a longer clip of Gabber’s “hurtcore” session with Salvoy, staged inside a purple room. 

After the clip ended, Gabber emerged from the “Distrance Gate” of Mechrotham, shaken, limping, and shattered… bruised and marked with cryptic phrases and obscure runes, her naked body sporadically pasted with functioning QR Codes. The FBI is emphatically insisting that members of the public not scan these codes.


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